The Use and Perceptions of Physical Activity Monitors

In recent years, the Internet of Things (IoT) has opened up doors and windows for enhancing the human experience. In the same period, we have seen a growing concern for personal health and wellness. As such, physical activity monitors (PAMs) – most commonly wristbands or phone apps – have become a popular tool for individuals to self-monitor physical activity and set goals. At this point, there is not a lot of information regarding the use of PAMs. For this reason, Dr. Darrell Butler and I conducted focus groups and large-scale surveys of PAM users to better understand their motivation for purchasing and using PAMs, in addition to observing the outcomes individuals with PAMs experience as a result of using the PAMs.



The manuscript for this project is currently in progress.

Zachary J. Cole, PhD
Zachary J. Cole, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher
